
Quality & Environment Policy

GRUPO NORCONSULTING is established as a company specialized in Human Resources and Personnel Selection.

Our team of recruiters works in account management by sector based on the client, which allows them to be more versatile and thoroughly knowledgeable about both the client and the sector they work in.

We boast a wide and deep network of candidates and are connected with major employers and professional associations in the industry.

We firmly believe that having diverse talent allows us to better understand and become more familiar with the diversity of clients and communities we interact with.

To continue growing and improving in all the activities we undertake, we have decided to implement a Management System based on the international standards UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 and UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015. These standards will help us continuously improve and commit to environmental care. They will aid us in achieving our goals, with the ultimate aim of enhancing the service that GRUPO NORCONSULTING provides to all its clients, while taking care of the planet.

Our growth begins with the professional development of each member of the Company. Our goal is to have a diverse, creative, and innovative workforce where our employees feel part of a dynamic team, committed to diversity and multiculturalism.

It represents a commitment from the Company and an individual responsibility of each member of the group, which is reflected in concrete actions that improve professionalism and service quality, environmental care; all as a result of continuous improvement and the relentless search for cooperation and satisfaction of suppliers and customers.

For this reason, the Management declares the Integrated Management System, in accordance with the requirements of the International Standards UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015 and UNE-EN-ISO 14001:2015, as a strategic and priority objective, finding its foundations and commitments in the compliance with the following points:

  • All members of GRUPO NORCONSULTING have a permanent commitment to comply with the legal and regulatory requirements applicable when performing their work, as well as other requirements that the organization subscribes to related to its environmental aspects.
  • Quality is supported by a Plan for Continuous Improvement both of the service provision processes and of the effectiveness of the Management System, in which error prevention is a fundamental aspect and the performance of which results in minimizing environmental damage through pollution prevention.
  • To project an external image of GRUPO NORCONSULTING focused on improving user satisfaction, for which we train and raise awareness among staff in this matter, encouraging active participation.
  • To minimize, recycle, reuse, and properly manage the waste generated in our activities.
  • To increase the overall performance and effectiveness of GRUPO NORCONSULTING, considering the needs of clients and their evolution, taking into account the internal and external context of the organization.
  • Quality and its improvement are the responsibility of all members of GRUPO NORCONSULTING, starting from the management itself, but requiring the participation and collaboration of all, so this Policy is disseminated to all company personnel for their knowledge and understanding, as well as being available to the public, responding positively to legitimate demands for information.

Thus, it is the responsibility of the Managers and all the personnel of GRUPO NORCONSULTING to correctly comply with these guidelines and their implementation.
This Management System Policy will serve as a framework for establishing annual objectives.

It will be reviewed periodically to verify its suitability to the real way the Company operates. In order to be known by the Company’s personnel, the Management System Policy will be publicly displayed in the facilities of GRUPO NORCONSULTING.

Signed by Management